Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Spunk Play Review - 1400 Words

Spunk Kenny Leon’s True Color Theatre Company’s production of Spunk: Three Tales by Zora Neale Hurston at the 14th Street Playhouse on September 25, 2013, presented the audience with a very culturally embellished version of Hurston’s original three tales: â€Å"Sweat,† â€Å"Story in Harlem Slang,† and â€Å"The Gilded Six Bits.† Zora Neale Hurston strived to portray the reality of life as an African American in the early 1900s through native dialect in her short stories and novels. Her most notable production, Their Eyes Were Watching God, is a prime example of her effort to illustrate the life of the everyday Negro in search of a better life. Each of the short stories portrays a different, yet comparable view on African American culture in separate†¦show more content†¦Longing for her husband’s forgiveness, Missy May promises to obey and fulfill his every desire henceforth. After silent days and nights, Missy May decides to rid Joe of her presence, believing that to be his wish. Reluctantly, she stays to prove her determination and love for her husband. The conception of their first child really sparks the match in Joe’s head that Missy May never meant to do him wrong; after many months of neglect, Joe traveled down to Orlando for errands and took a detour to his favorite candy store. With Otis Slemmons’ gilded coin, Joe spent â€Å"all dat in kisses.† While there, he though of his â€Å"lil boy chile [at] home now. Taint a week old yet, but he kin suck a sugar tit and maybe eat one them [molasses] kisses hisself (p. 11). The True Colors Theatre Company take advantage of their minimal stage space and set to immerse the audience into the era of Spunk and create the illusion of an enormous space. Although the stories focus mainly on dialogue between the players, True Colors used an upper stage for the narrator to oversee the action as it unfolds downstage, or close to the audience. All players in the company acted as narrators, which displayed to the audience the feeling and importance of community during the Harlem Renaissance and Black Migration. So much unhappiness and desire for change and improvement consisted throughout the play. This circles all three of the stories back to spunk, which is defined as courage,Show MoreRelatedCharacter Analysis Of Spunk By Zora Neale Hurston1154 Words   |  5 PagesMs. Collom Comp II: 1123.01 25 August 2017 Spunks masculine personality description After recently read a short story titled â€Å"Spunk† by Zora Neale Hurston about two men fighting for the woman that they love. Some stories end in happily ever after, but others end up in a tragic, like â€Å"Spunk†, one may say â€Å"fight for the person that you love†. In this story the two main characters are Spunk and Joe, they are both in love with the same woman, Lena. 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