Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Intercultural Communication Individuals and Groups

Question: Discuss about the Intercultural Communication for Individuals and Groups. Answer: Introduction Intercultural communication is considered as the communication between individuals and groups, which belong to different cultures and traditions. The article, Citizenship, Language, and Superdiversity: Towards Complexity by Jan Blommaert is focusing on the understanding of the superdiversity among the citizenship. The author has presented the major focus on the diversified cultural citizenship (Blommaert 2013). It is noted that the fundamental changes brought to the notions have led towards the diversifications. The major feature of the article is integration in a particular segment. Simultaneously, the article defines the absence of integration in other segments. The complexity associated with such citizenship is categorised by the poly-centricity. Overall, it can be stated that the article promotes the complexity faced due to the cultural diversity. Key understanding of the Author In this article, the author has presented several key ideas. It is noted that the understanding of the basic concept of social science is necessary. For instance, it is required to pay attention on the identity, community, and citizenship. Due to the fundamental changes, the transition from diversity to superdiversity has become much prominent. The superdiversity is foreseen when the diversification takes place in the migrating pattern. When people are moving from one place to another; the occurrence of the social and cultural diversity takes place. Moreover, the global trend of using internet and other mobile communication process is also connecting the people worldwide. Such new forms of migration have emerged the network society (Blommaert 2013). Hence, the author has derived the idea about the changes in the social-linguistic values, which have reshaped the social life in the world. Another idea is reflecting though the article and that is the development of the human communicati onal process. Hence, the article is reflecting the conceptual idea about the increasing complexity in the human communications and citizenship. The author has described that due to the globalisation, the changes in the social, linguistic, and cultural diversity have become much prominent. Due to the migration, people received the opportunity to communicate with the other people of different cultures. The collaboration of the different traditional approaches is also influencing the diversity among the migrants. This super-diversity is categorised not only by religion, ethnicity, and language, it even classified by the motives and patterns as well. The author even portrayed the importance of linguistic value. While migrating to another place of different cultures, it is required to understand the method of communicating with the people. The standard language is necessary to maintain the proper communication. Such communicational changes have brought the significant changes in the cultural dimensions. Main Points mentioned in the article The article describes the emergence of the cultural diversity by considering the complex process of the human communication and citizenship. In this current world, the globalisation has the significant impact on the social life. The people in the society are much influenced by the use of internet. With the help of internet, people can get in touch with other people from diversified countries. Moreover, the migration of the people from one country to another facilitates the collaboration of the diversified cultural traits. The association of the diversified people is thus creating the cultural diversity, which is creating the significant impact on the current world (Blommaert 2013). The article is also highlighting that the increasing level of the complexity in the citizenship is influencing citizenship and dis-citizenship. When one integration is used for a particular segment; other integrations are affecting the social life. Hence, the superdiversity is visible in such changing scen ario of the social life. After the discussion of superdiversity and citizenship, the study further moves towards several methodological developments. It is stated that learning the proper language is necessary in order to establish the intercultural communication. In this article, the author has referred language as denaturalised. It is interpreted that with the help of the linguistic value, the inequality and innovations are placed together. In fact, the association of ethnography and linguistic is facilitating a complete different ideology. Supportive Evidences The article is even reflecting some of the supportive description related to the diversity and citizenship. It is mentioned in the article that the growing awareness of the globalisation is promoting the diversified scenario in a very prominent manner. The study is even presenting the evidence of the increasing complexity in the citizenship process. It is noted that migrating from one country to another is introducing people with diversified cultures. Moreover, the internet is also connecting people who are in different horizon. Hence, it is important to set a standard linguistic value that will be helpful enough in communicating with other people. The evidence is also highlighting that the migrants have to face different types of the social environment. These environments include the dominant cultures and subcultures. This cultural diversity includes several resource niches, which are associated with both the host societies and the home cultures. The article has specified that learning a language is a never ending process. The immigrants are constantly trying to acquire different types of the standard languages. This standardisation of the language variations are considered as the unique instrument for integration. The article has even provided another evidence of the absurd nature of the socio-linguistic value, which demands the actual fact obtained from the ideologies of the immigrants. However, these diversified evidence-based suggestions have made the study more argumentative in terms of describing the linking between diversity and citizenship. Further Understanding Intercultural Communication The author has presented the in-depth idea about the importance of intercultural communication. The author has pointed out that it is necessary to establish the standardised linguistic value to communicate with the people who belong to different cultures. In referring such importance, other articles included in week 1 to 4 are also suggesting the similar sequences. The article, Intercultural Communication: A discourse approach by R. Scollon, S. Scollon, and R.H. Jones is also describing the communication between Ho Man and Steven. Ho Man is from China whereas Steven is from America and they communicated with each other in the standard language (Scollon, Scollon and Jones 2011). The similarity in their mentality has made their conversation frequent and understandable. The only difference seen is they belong to the different religion. It is noted that the difference in the sexuality and the languages did not make any differences in their conversation. This example is indicating the int ercultural communication between the people who belong to different cultures. This article can be connected to the previous article, as both highlighting the importance of the different linguistic values. It sometimes seems to be difficult to adjust with the people who are from different cultural background. However, the immigrants are thus trying to acquire the different languages in order to communicate with the people. Conclusion The review of the article is mainly focusing on the intercultural communication maintained among the immigrants of different countries. The supported evidence is highlighting the cultural diversity, which is much influenced by the current globalised scenario. Hence, the growing awareness of the globalisation is bringing the fundamental changes in the communicational process. The author has even identified the growing complexity in the diversified citizenship. It is the natural sequence that the globalised world has been facing. Another major concern reflected in this article is the importance of the linguistic values. The immigrants need to acquire the standardised language for communicating with people who belong to diversified cultures. English is thus considered as the international language, which is mostly used by the diversified people in the world. The use of the intercultural communication is creating the significant impact on the people from different cultural background. References Blommaert, J., 2013. Citizenship, Language, and Superdiversity: Towards Complexity. Journal of Language, Identity, and Education, pp.193196. Scollon, R., Scollon, S. and Jones, R., 2011. Intercultural Communication: A Discourse Approach (3rd Edition). Oxford: Blackwell, pp.1-24.

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